Ogden Seventh-day Adventist Church Ogden, UT



Health Ministries is not only about assisting our members with living healthier, happier lives; it is also about reaching out to the surrounding community.

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Every Saturday, people throughout Northern Utah converge on the Ogden Seventh-day Adventist Church to worship together and connect with their Creator.  We seek to be a God centered, Christ focused, biblically founded church.  When you join us, expect to be immersed in a community that passionately sing, pray, share, and receive the Word with enthusiasm.  We look forward to your visit,  please join us after the service for a meal in one of our homes.

Sabbath Services
9:30AM - Bible Study & Children's Programs
10:45AM - Corporate Worship
12:30PM - Food Pantry Distribution


Ogden Seventh-day Adventist Church
2185 Taylor Avenue
Ogden UT 84401

Map and Directions